
I'm a Military Blogger


About Me

My name is Laura, and I am the Rogue Milspouse.

I don't conform to society's norms and I don't conform to the military's norms either. When was the last time you saw a chick with pink hair and knee-high striped leg warmers browsing the commissary?... I thought so.

I believe in freedom..freedom to say what you want, inhale what you want, wear what you want, and be who you want. I am 1 part goth, 1 part punk, and I like to channel my inner pin-up girl. My haircolor changes almost weekly.
I am also an atheist. That alone distinguishes my husband and I from most military families. When you live in a culture dominated by religion, you really tend to stand out.

This blog is not for the cutesy wootsy, the overly optimistic, or the average. It is a place of passion. I WILL say things you disagree with. I WILL use colorful language (lots of it). I WILL at times be negative, snarky, bitchy, and pissed off.

I will be like that because I'm not trying to please anyone anymore.

~The Rogue Milspouse