
I'm a Military Blogger


Friday, April 9, 2010

Sunshine Blog Award

Wow. So readership of my last post about the care packages almost gave me a heart attack (in a good way). 8 comments is pretty much a record and my blog jumped from like 16 followers to 23 in the span of a few hours. I'm speechless.

Thank you to everyone who read my blog, and thank you for all those compliments you guys gave me on my last post. It means a lot.

Now the real reason for this post is because I've been awarded the Sunshine Blog Award from Cheryl over at Boots in the Doorway and from Kirsten at Requires Heavy Lifting. I feel like I've just left the Oscars :) The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world. The rules for accepting this award are:

-Put the logo on your blog or within your post
- Pass the award on to 12 bloggers
- Link the nominees within your post
- Let the nominees know they have receive the award by commenting on their blog
- Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award.

So my list of 12:

Living the Life of an Infantryman's Wife

Forever in Blue Jeans

Deployment (again)

I roll OORAH style

A Day in the Life of Mrs. M

ACU's, Stiletto Shoes, and Pretty Pink Tutus

Ether's Promise

Hard Corps Love

OWH Stars and Stamps  (and you guys should check out what a great thing they have going!)

Shannon Katharine Sullivan

Spiderman & MaryJane

The Sand is Different Here

Last, but not least, a summary of my day: I did a work-out video with a friend. We spent 40 minutes doing the "diggin jiggy"...a testament to the fact that the people who make those videos REALLY need to come up with better names for their made-up dance moves.


Marissa said...

Thanks! :)

AmandaCervantes said...

=D Congrats!

The dig and Jiggy was pretty much around the world, throw it away, to the left fun =D